Period Contract for Low Voltage Armoured Cables

Period Contract for Low Voltage Armoured Cables new york, we love new york Period Contract for Low Voltage Armoured Cables new york, we love new york

Only recently VIROC INTERNATIONAL LTD. together with their long time Partners CABELTE – Cabos Eléctricos e Telefónicos, SA were awarded another Three Year Contract for the Supply of Low-Voltage Armoured Cables.


This is the second consecutive time that VIROC and CABELTE were awarded such a prestigious tender, hence being the sole providers of Low Voltage Cables to ENEMALTA CORPORATION.


CABELTE and VIROC have a strong and close working relationship which has been consolidated over the years; and together have been at the forefront of Top Quality and timely Cable Supplies to ENEMALTA COPRPORATION for a long number of years.  A clear indication of Market Leadership and of the trust placed in the two Companies by Malta’s National Energy Service Provider.

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